Blackberry Land

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My 1200 lb. Therapist, Occasional Problem Child, & Buddy

The Artful Dodger

Horses.  What is it about them that allures, inspires, and spellbinds?  For some, I believe the magnetism is inherent.  Certainly, for me, the attraction has existed since my earliest days. I’ve witnessed it in my daughter as well.  Never one much for dolls, she too was drawn to horses both real and in toy form from before she could even speak. 

The ability to work and build connections with horses has been a source of great joy for me.  Yes, they can be frustrating at times, but half the fun is figuring out how to communicate, share space, and ride successfully together.  There’s a saying that the outside of horse is good for the inside of a person, and I do believe that is true. When working with a horse, you have to set aside all the other thoughts that normally occupy your mind during the day and just focus on him/her. It’s the best way to stay safe.  More than that, it’s the foundation of your communication, both verbal and non-verbal.  For me, the simple act of stopping all other thoughts and just focusing on my horse is amazingly therapeutic.  It’s grounding, and rewarding, and if I’m lucky, magical, too.  My equine buddy of the past several years is The Artful Dodger or Dodge for short.  I like to say that he steals hearts.  He definitely stole mine.  More about him and what he and other horses have taught me will be in upcoming posts.